Wow… That last post was interesting. I don’t really remember writing that. I must have been doped up from getting my wisdom teeth removed. In case you were wondering, yes, it hurt.
The week of Hell I referred to was just that. I spent nearly 12 lovely hours sitting in the ICU of the hospital waiting on a dear friend to come off a ventilator after a little too much to drink. Luckily, he is fine, thanks to all the prayers of my sweet friends. I met with my evil teacher again and she made me cry, again. I re-wrote an entire 10 page paper last night.
Catch-up time is now over.
Even though it isn’t technically Thanksgiving anymore, I wanted to do a little post about all the things I am thankful for in my life. I’m going to hit this in the most organized fashion, list-style. Here goes…
I (Anna Beard) am thankful for:
-my AMAZING friends, near and far; I just don’t think I could survive this hectic life without them
-my unparalleled family, they love me more than anyone ever can or will
-this includes my Mom, Dad, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother, nephew, nephew, nephew, neice, neice, grandfather… all of whom bless my life every single day
-my boyfriend’s wonderful family who has made me feel so very welcome
-my fully functioning brain (even though sometimes it lets me down)
-my ability to go to the best college not just in the world, but in the SEC (Hotty Toddy!)
-the many roofs that I have over my head at different periods in my life: home, school, lake
-the food that I get to eat, every day… and the food that I CHOOSE to stuff my face with
-my phone… I know this looks bad. But a girl’s gotta have her phone! How else would I talk to my parents?
-all my books… I would be a sad girl without them
-my sense of humor
-the gift of knowing and befriending so many amazing people in my life
-being able to even know Susan was a gift that I am truly thankful for, she changed my life for the better.
-the existence of Disney… think about what life would be like if Walt Disney never existed…
-my boyfriend’s grandmother, G, she is one amazing lady and bring joy into my life
-the chance to know all of my grandparents, even though all of them are dead except one (Pepaw), I was given this gift and cherished every moment of it
-the fabric that clothes my body and keeps me safe
-my current and continuing education
-CHRISTMAS, Christmas decorations, and the month of December in general (my birthday month)
-CHRISTMAS, Christmas decorations, and the month of December in general (my birthday month)
-my best friend "Charlotte," she is my female counterpart, we are two peas, without her I would not exist
-ALL the gifts God has given me, I am amazed everyday!
That’s all I can think of for now. Stay thankful for all the gifts that we have been given in our lives. And keep your hearts open.