Saturday, December 18, 2010

Social Experimentation.

Tonight I am going to do a little social experiment.  You see, tonight is my Dad's law firm's party at our house.  My Dad is kind of like the boss man around there.  When all the young lawyers come to our house, they look like scared little fawns... until they meet my Mom and me.  They are in shock and awe.  They are SO scared of my Dad but are confused when Mom and I are so fun and well, for lack of a better word, nice.

So I'm going to do a little experiment mu ha ha ha ha ha! (That would be my evil scientist laugh)  I'm going to note (in my brain) how the youngsters act when they talk to Dad then how their attitudes change once they speak to Mom, and then to me.  When they talk to me they feel like they're in college again, which is funny.  These are a pretty tight-assed group of people and when they let loose, it's hilarious.  Especially when the young newbies get drunk and fall on the couch.  That happened once.

I asked Dad why they are so scared of him.  His answer?  "I don't have a clue."  Hm.  So I asked another.  "What do you say on their first day that nearly makes them tinkle themselves?"
"I just tell them I expect them to work."

Not at all what I expected.  So I have formed a theory.  I think there might be some urban legends floating around about Dad.  Like, that he once killed a guy using only a napkin.  Or that he cut a guy's legs off using a letter opener.  Or maybe, that he once looked at a guy wrong and his skin melted off his face.

For clarification: my Dad is a big ole softy.  He is my cuddly (even though he is skin & bones) friend.  He is silly and funny and a GREAT Dad.  But I wouldn't want to work for him.  I like to keep things casual when it comes to Dad.  Because he can be scary when he wants to be.  But then again, so can Mom, and I can too.

After I make thousands of mental notes, I will come back to each of you with the results.


  1. LOVING this! I can always enjoy a good psych experiment... looking forward to the results.

  2. When I'm reading someone's blog from5 months ago, you know procrastination is high, but I had to comment on this. I'd be more scared of your mom, than dad, any day of the week. Don't get me wrong, I love Joellen Beard, but... this just cracks me up.

