Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Give Thanks.

Wow… That last post was interesting.  I don’t really remember writing that.  I must have been doped up from getting my wisdom teeth removed.  In case you were wondering, yes, it hurt.

The week of Hell I referred to was just that.  I spent nearly 12 lovely hours sitting in the ICU of the hospital waiting on a dear friend to come off a ventilator after a little too much to drink.  Luckily, he is fine, thanks to all the prayers of my sweet friends.  I met with my evil teacher again and she made me cry, again.  I re-wrote an entire 10 page paper last night.

Catch-up time is now over.

Even though it isn’t technically Thanksgiving anymore, I wanted to do a little post about all the things I am thankful for in my life.  I’m going to hit this in the most organized fashion, list-style.  Here goes…

I (Anna Beard) am thankful for:
-my precious kittens, Janie (Jane Austen) and Emmie (Emily Dickinson)

-my AMAZING friends, near and far; I just don’t think I could survive this hectic life without them
-my unparalleled family, they love me more than anyone ever can or will
            -this includes my Mom, Dad, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother, nephew, nephew, nephew, neice, neice, grandfather… all of whom bless my life every single day

-my saint of a boyfriend, the love of my life, the yin to my yang

-my sweet Kappa D sisters

-my boyfriend’s wonderful family who has made me feel so very welcome
-my fully functioning brain (even though sometimes it lets me down)
-my ability to go to the best college not just in the world, but in the SEC (Hotty Toddy!)
-the many roofs that I have over my head at different periods in my life: home, school, lake
-the food that I get to eat, every day… and the food that I CHOOSE to stuff my face with
-my sweet roommates, who still love me even after living with me!

-my mom and dad (yes they were mentioned above, but I just love those cuties so much!)

-my phone… I know this looks bad.  But a girl’s gotta have her phone!  How else would I talk to my parents?
-all my books… I would be a sad girl without them
-my sense of humor
-the gift of knowing and befriending so many amazing people in my life
-being able to even know Susan was a gift that I am truly thankful for, she changed my life for the better.
-the existence of Disney… think about what life would be like if Walt Disney never existed…
-my boyfriend’s grandmother, G, she is one amazing lady and bring joy into my life
-the chance to know all of my grandparents, even though all of them are dead except one (Pepaw), I was given this gift and cherished every moment of it
-Pepaw… even though he’s turning into a looney tune, he is a kind and compassionate man

-the fabric that clothes my body and keeps me safe
-my current and continuing education
-CHRISTMAS, Christmas decorations, and the month of December in general (my birthday month)
-my best friend "Charlotte," she is my female counterpart, we are two peas, without her I would not exist

-ALL the gifts God has given me, I am amazed everyday!

That’s all I can think of for now.  Stay thankful for all the gifts that we have been given in our lives.  And keep your hearts open.  

Friday, November 19, 2010


I REALLY wanted to write today about this past week... also known as The Week of Hell.  However, I got my wisdom teeth taken out today.  And it really hurts.  I haven't eaten or had anything to drink since 7:00 pm last night so I think it's safe to say I'm a little cranky.
So I guess my interesting post will have to wait for another day.
I have to remove my bloody gauze now.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Senior year fun? HA!

Hello friends.  My deepest apologies for not writing in over a month.  This just in: Senior year isn’t easy OR fun.  Here’s a little update of what’s been going on over the past month:
I applied to the University of Arkansas for a MFA in Creative Writing (PLEASE say a prayer that I get in)
I’ve been reading approximately three/four books a week
I became a godmother
I went to a wedding
I cried
I laughed
I danced

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, I can tell you the real story.  As I stated, I applied to the University of Arkansas.  I’m constantly sweating and panicked that I’m not going to get in and what I’m going to do if I don’t get in.  But then Jake rubs my back and reminds me not to stress.  I just have to remember that if I don’t get in then that wasn’t the plan for me.  Right?...

The real fun was this past weekend.  Jake and I went to his brother’s wedding.  It was ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL.  Might I add that I was totally jealous?  There were so many happy couples there.  I want to spend my life just like they are.  It seems that their lives are simple but full of happiness.  What more could a person wish for?  Life has been beyond amazing lately in my relationship with Jake and all I want to do is spend the rest of my life with him.  I know, I know; we’re too young, we don’t have ANY money, and we aren’t ready for that kind of commitment.  But, have you ever been so in love that all you want to do is start your life with that person as quickly as possible?  I have.  And for all you characters that think I’m here getting my “MRS degree” consider this:
Before I met Jake I told my dad to get rid of the money he and my mom had saved up for my wedding.  I’m serious.  I told him to buy himself something nice.  I had totally give up on love and then one day in our African American Studies class I changed my mind…
That’s enough mushy stuff for now.

Am I the only one have a miserably intense senior year?  I thought it was supposed to be full of boozing and cruisin’?  Wrong again, ghostwriter.  My classes are unbelievably difficult and I have recently developed a bit of a throw down with one of my teachers.  She’s a real bitch.  The main reason I don’t like her is because she has given me bad grades.  In a perfect world, I would get nothing lower than an A but this woman has actually had the ballz to give me a 0 on a 10 point quiz WHEN I WAS THERE.  The nerve!  THEN, I went to visit with her during her office hours and she attacked me like I was a communist.  I can’t handle it.  To top it all off, I have a 15 page paper due in her class tomorrow.  Oye.  I can’t wait for this semester to end.

The GOOD news is that I will be going home for ELEVEN days on Wednesday.  Bliss, pure bliss.  I will probably have to get my wisdom teeth taken out, but those babies are getting on my nerves anyway.  Oh no, I just realized my grades will probably be worse next semester without my wisdom teeth.  Ha.  Ha.  (Get it?)  I made a funny.

I’m ready for Thanksgiving and I believe I will do an extra special post for that wonderful holiday.  I’m now off to stick my face in another book (Can you believe it?!!?!?!)  Saveeeeeeeeeeeee meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.  Help me, Tom Cruise!

Keep your hearts open.