Friday, December 03, 2010


Even though I SHOULD be doing my mass amounts of homework, get ready for it...
40 book cards on, ta da! 40 books... of which I have only done 11.  Okay, that isn't exactly true.  This morning I had only done 11.  Now I'm up to 20.  Halfway done!
A 25 poem poetry file (poems that I have to relate to 25 books)... none done.
A medieval drama paper which has caused me more emotional trauma than middle school.  HOWEVER, I got a horrible horrible grade that actually made me cry (I'm so obsessive about my grades right now. Hello?! Grad school!)  BUT, I got my SECOND draft (meaning I wrote an entire paper on the same subject TWICE... 8 pages twice = 16 pages) of my paper back and I made a B!!!!!!!!! I have never been happy about a B on a paper in my life.  In fact, I'm usually pissed about a B; but in this miserable class, a B is heaven on a bed of whipped cream.  I have only written 8 pages out of 10-15.

Now that my pity party is over, I will give you the REAL information.  Yesterday I downloaded (and payed for) THE MOST AWESOME WORD PROCESSOR EVER.  Really.  I'm being serious.  It's so fancy, it was made just for writers.  Do you love it?!  I do.  There are all these different templates for different types of writing.  For example, there is one template for fiction, inside that template are more templates of which to choose from: novel, novel (with parts), and short story.  Are you dying?!!  Inside the template is another surprise!  You can organize your settings, characters, chapters, and scenes.  It's so awesome!!!!!!!!  It's called Scrivener.  You should buy it, especially if you are a writer.  Here is a pic.

Now I'm going to suckle down the rest of my 5 hour energy and read... some more.  Oy vey.

OH WAIT.  I forgot.

I got an email from the University of Arkansas that I got generally accepted into the Graduate School!  Which isn't really that big of a deal, but it's one step closer to being accepted to the MFA program.  Please keep saying prayers that my writing will shine in the eyes of the person who determines whether or not I am accepted.  My anxiety level is at an all time high.

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